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A cyan coloured balloon on a cyan coloured wall. The ballon has text that says "Interns Rock!".
News About B2C2

Summers are busy around here!

Each summer we apply for (and have been lucky enough to get funding from Canada Summer Jobs for a number of interns. Unfortunately, the jobs

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A photo of three children walking in a line with their arms out - photo is tinted with blue.
Childcare Expansion

Webinar: First Steps in Expansion

Announcing our second webinar: First Steps in Expansion.  Date: April 20, 2023 Time: 2:30pm Cost: FREE! Register Looking to expand your Ontario child care centre

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News About B2C2

CUPW, Child Care Fund backs B2C2

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), Child Care Fund provided support to B2C2 for its important mission to support the not-for-profit child care sector in Ontario with the expertise and tools they will need to expand and grow.

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