B2C2 helps people

build non-profit child care

Building Blocks for Child Care, Ontario, is a charitable corporation with a mission to expand and preserve accessible, affordable, high quality non-profit and public early learning and child care for future generations. We help community groups, existing non-profit and public child care organizations and governments build new facilities or redevelop existing space to increase the availability of non-profit and public child care for families and communities across Ontario.

What's New

Tiny toy stroller surrounded by stacks of gold coins.
Child Care News

Ontario Government Pushing For-Profit Child Care

Ontario Gov and the OMA Write to Feds Asking to Lift Cap The Ontario Ministry of Education is trying to throw a wrench into the child care program by lifting the cap on for profit spaces in Ontario.  Minister Todd

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A cyan coloured balloon on a cyan coloured wall. The ballon has text that says "Interns Rock!".
News About B2C2

Summers are busy around here!

Each summer we apply for (and have been lucky enough to get funding from Canada Summer Jobs for a number of interns. Unfortunately, the jobs are only for 8 weeks so we have 2 cohorts of interns each summer. Our

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Cute baby girl playing with a colourful abacus toy.
Child Care News

Funding Formula Option Proposed

Thanks to everyone who attended the meeting on May 29th to discuss Ontario’s Child Care Funding Formula.  And thanks also to those of you who provided comments, feedback and suggestions. The support encouraged us to distribute an alternative model for Ontario’s Child Care

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