Portion of the cover of the publication "Policy Brief 1: Recommendations for a publicly funded ELCC salary scale"

AECEO and OCBCC Recommend A Publicly Funded Wage Grid Proposal

The Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care have released a new publication following extensive consultations with professionals in the early childhood education sector. This publication addresses a critical challenge affecting the establishment of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System (CWELCC) in Ontario: the child care workforce crisis.

Unlike other provinces, Ontario lacks a proper wage grid crucial for guiding child care centers and attracting and retaining qualified early childhood educators. In their position paper and policy brief, the organizations identify the root causes of the workforce crisis. Their solution? The recommendation of a publicly funded salary scale. They propose a range of at least $30-$40 per hour for Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) and at least $25 per hour for non-RECE staff. These recommendations are part of a broader workforce strategy and compensation framework to improve conditions and compensation for early childhood education professionals in Ontario.

Read the full wage grid proposal here.

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