
B  C  D  E  F  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  W


Used to describe places that are close to, next to, or neighboring each other, sharing a common endpoint or border. For example, this might refer to a change table positioned near a sink, even if it is not physically attached to it.

Potentially traumatic events or circumstances that can have negative, lasting effects on adult health and wellbeing. These experiences range from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to parental divorce or the incarceration of a parent or guardian.

The Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario. This association has been a professional association for ECEs in Ontario for the past 71 years. The goal of the association is to advocate for respect, recognition, and appropriate wages & working conditions for all ECEs. The AECEO also works to tackle any concerns that occur from new policies, changes to current policies and advocating for a high quality, publicly funded early childhood education facilities that serve children from the ages of 0 – 12. 

Programs serving school age children and older when they are not in school. Sometimes called Out-of-School Time (OST) programs, after school programs may provide a broad range of services and supports such as mentoring, academic support, youth development, arts, sports and other forms of recreation.

Changes during a construction project: These are adjustments, improvements, or modifications to an existing structure, excluding repairs. This includes making alterations when building child care centers, changing spaces, or fixing parts of an existing child care facility. 

A policy designed to take care of children with serious allergies by giving important information about anaphylaxis to parents, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors at the child care center. This is to make sure everyone knows how to keep these children safe.

An individual, corporation, or representative from First Nations, including existing licensees of child care programs, who is seeking a new license to operate a child care program. In the case of a corporation, this term encompasses all directors and individuals with a controlling interest in the corporation.

A registered, licensed, and authorized professional who designs, advises, and ensures health and safety protocols for developing child care centers or early childhood facilities.

Outlines clear expectations, service standards and guidelines for child care providers who have a service contract with the City. It also serves as a self-evaluation and planning tool for child care operators, and educators.

An emotional bond between an infant and one or more adults. The infant will approach these individuals in times of distress, particularly during the phase of infant development when the presence of strangers induces anxiety. In addition, the infant is distressed if separated from attachment figures.

A computer-aided design (CAD) software for 2-D and 3-D drafting. It assists in crafting a 3D visualization of child care center designs, incorporating space requirements and necessary modifications before the actual construction.


The experience of security, inclusion, respect and competence by children, families and staff.

Is an output of the plan procurement management process. This document is used when requesting specific proposals from potential suppliers to the project. The document contains a description of the products or services that are going to be created when developing a child care center, and can be issued to several potential suppliers, to select the best supplier for the products or services that are being requested. 

These documents establish protocols and regulations necessary for bids to take place. They include the notice to bidders, instruction to bidders, and sample bid forms, and outline procedures and conditions for bid submission. Examples range from health and safety child care protocols, to creating accessible child care centers for young children.

The bidding process selects vendors for subcontracting or purchasing project-related products and services. Bid records contain specifications and safety standards for child care center construction. Typically, a 7-stage bid process is followed.

POC is widely used as an umbrella term for all people of color, but the acronym BIPOC – which stands for Black, Indigenous, People of Color – is used to acknowledge that not all people of color face equal levels of injustice. BIPOC is significant in recognizing that Black and Indigenous people are severely impacted by systemic racial injustices.

A building code comprises rules established by city or provincial (municipal government) authorities, often with input from licensed construction professionals. These regulations align with the intended design for constructing child care centers. Specific health and safety standards mandated by the Ontario government must be met during the construction of such centers.

Building inspectors examine detailed plans for commercial and industrial buildings to ensure they meet national and/or provincial Building Code rules. These inspectors, employed by federal, provincial, and municipal governments, need to be licensed professionals. They ensure the right precautions are taken place when creating child care facilities across Ontario. 

Is a not-for-profit full-service corporation with a mission to expand and preserve accessible, affordable, high quality non-profit and public early learning and child care for future generations in Ontario.

Is a document issued by the body responsible for enforcing Ontario’s Building Code in the area selected to build. This permit is required when contractors want to construct, renovate, or change any child care facilities. Child care centers must comply with the Building Code, that sets standards for the design & construction, to meet health, safety, fire protection, accessibility standards.

A project that comprises one or more of the following elements:

  1. Acquiring an existing building or part of it, along with contiguous land.
  2. Conducting renovations or alterations to existing buildings.
  3. Additions to existing buildings
  4. Purchasing vacant land to construct new buildings.
  5. Erecting a new building or a portion of it.
  6. Demolishing a building.

    Installing public utilities, sewers, and necessary items or services for access to the land or buildings.

An acronym that stands for British Thermal Unit, and is a measure of heat content that comes from fuels or energy sources. One BTU is the quantity of heat that is required to raise the temperature of one pound of liquid water by 1° Fahrenheit (F) at the temperature at which water has the most density.


“Child abuse” includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse and/or neglect. It also addresses a pattern of abuse and risks of harm.

Refers to a range of individuals, professionals and advocacy organizations who speak out on the best interests of children. An individual or organization engaging in advocacy typically seeks to protect children’s rights which may be abridged or abused in a number of areas.

The temporary care or supervision of children for less than 24 hours in any situation except for exempt circumstances.

The purpose of this Act is to foster the learning, enhance the safety, development, health and well-being of young children. To fulfill the purposes set out in one of the subsections of the Act, the operating child care center must provide a framework for the regulation of, the child care center, the operation of child care and early year programs and services that are provided.

A person who holds a license under a specific act. Child care license means a certificate issued by the Ministry of Education in Ontario. In Ontario, a license is required for any child care facility that cares for more than five children below the age 13 years old. The licensee must also ensure that health and safety standards and regulations are provided to children under the supervision of employees at the child care center at all times.

This is the number of children that each child care staff member (or family child care provider) is responsible for supervising. Required child-staff ratios differ by age. 

A child who experiences one or more chronic or acute medical conditions to the extent that they require additional support, accommodation, or assistance.

A child who requires additional support due to the nature of their cognitive, physical, social, emotional, communicative needs, or overall development needs.

Cold air returns in buildings enable furnaces to circulate air indoors. Usually located on the ground, these vents are commonly found on walls. Their role is crucial in facilitating proper ventilation for temperature control in child care centers, benefiting both young children and staff.

The practice of interacting with others (colleagues, children, families) in thoughtful reflection to challenge theories and practices, exchange ideas, experiment with theories, and share knowledge.

These are detailed drawings and specifications outlining specific construction requirements for projects like schools, child care centers, or daycare facilities. These documents contain various details that define the quality, size, configuration, and relationships of all components to be included in the project.

A situation that might possibly happen in the future, usually causing problems or making further arrangements and plans necessary to mitigate these issues.

A person who is hired to perform work and to provide goods at a certain price, budget or within a certain timeframe which the project needs to be completed by. For example, hiring a contractor to remodel a child care center.

The exact opposite of heat load. The total amount of heat energy removed from a specific area to keep the temperature within an acceptable range.

This is an agreement that is made to reimburse a company for any costs or expenses that it might have incurred, to provide them with a specific profit. It is usually stated or added up as a percentage of the contract’s full price and it gives the contractor a specific amount of profit that it can continue to use to construct a child care center, facility or daycare.

Critical reflection for RECEs involves examining and questioning the beliefs and assumptions that influence their views and responses to children, as well as shaping the learning experiences they provide. It’s an active process that entails grappling with complex ideas, tensions, and uncertainties, leading to changes in practice.

The understandings, patterns of behaviour, practices and values shared by a group of people. The children, families and staff in an early learning and care setting may identify as belonging to more than one culture.

The sum total of environments, experiences, activities and events designed to foster children’s development, learning and well-being.

The intermediaries between care operators and the government. They are regional bodies responsible for implementing legislation on child care, overseeing funding allocation, and monitoring and reporting on early learning and child care in Ontario.


Postponed maintenance work due to constraints like time, staffing, or funds. It is a contingency plan vital for child care facility construction, as they often depend on external resources and funding.

Design-build is a project delivery method where the design-build team provides both design and construction services under a single contract with the project owner. It involves a unified workflow from initial planning to completion. Also referred to as design/construct and single-source responsibility, this approach ensures child care center construction adheres to standards and regulations safeguarding the development of young children.

Distinct areas within a child care center for washing, dressing, and toileting, along with separate areas for eating and resting.

A director, designated by the Minister within the Ministry, serves as an employee responsible for overseeing the implementation of the CCEYA (Child Care and Early Years Act). Directors are responsible for supervising program advisors.

A director, operating under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, can provide an approval that grants authority for a specific arrangement that deviates from the standard regulatory requirements. Examples of such arrangements may include mixed age groupings or a smaller playground with a rotation plan.

Differences and uniqueness that each person brings to the early learning and care setting including values and beliefs, culture and ethnicity, language, ability, education, life experiences, socio-economic status, spirituality, gender, age and sexual orientation.

Files with DWG extension that contains files used for 2D and 3D designs and data. DWG represents the binary file format for CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings. It contains vector images and metadata for representation of contents of CAD files.


A formal arrangement for the teaching and care of a young child. Early childhood education is provided for babies, toddlers and young children up to the age of 6 years.

A distinct collective of programs, services and supports designed for children under the age of 12 years and their families. This includes research, policy development, education and training, advocacy and system management in the planning and delivery of early childhood education, early learning, child care, family supports, early intervention and children’s services.

A real estate concept where one party uses another party’s property, usually for a fee. These are often acquired by utility companies to install pipes under or above private properties. This is required for any owners that are developing child care facilities or day care centers.

The path of travel from the building to the outside. It is the emergency escape route in case of fire or other emergency and includes the fire exits, stairs, and walkways that allows young children and employees to exit the child care center in the event of an emergency. 

An elevation drawing is a drawing depicting one side of a house, child care center, school, or day care center. It showcases the final appearance of that specific side of the building.

Emergency management policies and procedures mandate that licensees must have comprehensive policies and procedures in place to ensure the health and safety of children and staff during emergencies. Additionally, the provision specifies that staff roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined for effective action in case of an emergency.

A state in which personal or social circumstances are not obstacles to being included and supported to achieve equal educational outcomes and well-being among all children. An early years environment that is equitable recognizes, values, and builds on the diversity of each child and family.


A group of children and adults who are related by affections, kinship, dependency or trust. This includes single-parent families, same-sex families, multi-generational families and foster families.

An arrangement, which requires a specific amount of profit/money that is needed to complete a for a service or product, regardless of the amount of time it takes to complete the project. 

The total cost budgeted by the project owner/contractor. It covers expenses for a specific design created by licensed design professionals overseeing the construction work.

An outdoor play structure that is anchored to the ground.

Physical barriers that prevent the spread of flames, gasses, and smoke through openings in buildings. They play a crucial role not only during the initial installation of systems such as electricity, plumbing, and ventilation, but also persistently thereafter. Firestops are crucial for child care centers to ensure safety for young children.

A set of organized protocols in a child care center to ensure staff and children’s safety during a fire or emergency. These procedures involve regular drills to familiarize everyone with evacuation processes. In case of an evacuation, a designated place of shelter serves as a point of assembly and temporary care if the center remains vacant for a prolonged period. The child care center is required to maintain current records of fire protection device testing and drills to ensure they are in working order. The primary goal is to minimize risks and prioritize the well-being of all in the child care center during emergencies.

A scaled diagram of a room or childcare centre, meant to be seen from above, used primarily for strategically arranging furniture and planning the efficient layout of different rooms and amenities within the childcare center.

Refers to a childcare facility that operates with the goal of making money from its services. The child care centre’s owner derives income from the profits, and may also distribute earnings to shareholders and investors.


The total amount of heat energy added to a specific area to maintain a tolerable temperature range.

Home child care agencies offer early learning and care in approved homes for children ranging in age from infancy to 12 years. While the hours of care available vary from home to home, licensed home child care can often accommodate families who work shifts or who need part-time, weekend or overnight care.

The person in charge of the children in a location where home child care is provided.

An acronym that stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It encompasses various systems that regulate indoor temperature, moving air between indoor and outdoor spaces. Child care centers integrate HVAC systems into their infrastructure to ensure comfortable temperatures for children throughout the year. These systems also filter and purify indoor air to keep young children healthy and maintain humidity levels at optimal comfort levels in child care centers.


A shape of structural steel that is used in building child care centers and other facilities. They are designed to play a key role as a support member in structures because these beams have the capacity to withstand various types of loads. This durability quality follows safety protocols during the construction of child care centers to ensure large capacity centers withstand heavy materials.

A policy and practice framework that embraces all children and families in a program, fostering a sense of belonging and active participation. It involves considering the diverse needs, personalities, and developmental stages of each child.

A written plan created through collaboration with parents and other professionals. This plan outlines the licensee’s strategies for providing support to children with anaphylactic allergies, special needs, or medical requirements.

A child who is younger than 18 months of age.

An approach to teaching and learning that places children’s questions, ideas, and observations at the centre of the learning experience.

An employee of the ministry appointed by the Minister. Inspector’s have the authority to visit and check child care centres, places where home childcare is offered, locations of home childcare agencies, and examine records. Program advisors and enforcement staff have been appointed as inspectors.

A final phase of construction. It’s a document compiled by a contractor that details incomplete or improperly done tasks during the building of a school or child care centre. This list is usually prepared before the final inspection near the project’s completion, outlining remaining work for the facility’s owner and other stakeholders involved. 


Any narrow beam, whether timber, steel, or reinforced concrete, that supports floors and ceilings during construction. 

A child who is 9 years or older, but younger than 13 years of age


A child who is 44 months of age or older, but younger than 7 years of age.


The practice of engaging with colleagues to draw on collective knowledge and experiences to solve problems, create solutions and improve outcomes. Leadership involves taking and encouraging collective responsibility, contributing to an inclusive and collaborative working environment and, creating, coordinating and directing change through vision, inspiration, commitment and contribution.

An indoor or outdoor environment in which children, families, RECEs and other colleagues collaborate to nurture, provide care and education with the goals of fostering children’s holistic development and well-being. It includes schedules, routines, physical environment (indoor and outdoor), interactions, activities and experiences.

A document issued to a licensee by a director under the CCEYA providing the authority to operate a specific child care program. A license can be regular or provisional and may have conditions.

A legal tribunal responsible for hearing appeals regarding decisions related to licensing activities under the CCEYA (Child Care and Early Years Act).

The maximum number of children, including the number in each age category, allowed to be receiving child care in the child care centre at one time as set out in the licence of the child care centre.

Facilities where children from different families are cared for together by qualified staff. Licensed home care is child care provided in a caregiver’s home, which is supervised by a licensed agency.

A term used to refer to both home child care agencies and child care centres.

An individual, corporation, or First Nation who holds a licence issued under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014.

The Licensee’s Responsibilities are liable to all the costs quality, any defects, the product liability, the conformance, the promotion, sale documentation, and marketing of the child care center being created and operating in Ontario. 

A written agreement where one party relinquishes their right to place a lien on another party’s property or goods. These strict legislations are crucial in projects like constructing child care centers to prevent legal conflicts.


A set of rules stating that when a childcare center agrees to give medication to a child, they need to create written instructions for each child and type of medication. These instructions should be properly documented. These procedures ensure that drugs or medication are administered safely, following established routines.

An acronym that stands for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing. A contractor leading the construction project of building a childcare center, is required to draft and use the MEP drawings, to ensure that there are no issues with building the child care facility. These drawings incorporate civil, architectural, and structural components that make the construction process more efficient and reliable.

This refers to the interiors of home, child care center, school, or any other facility. It shows the interior design and layout, which helps for planning and renovating.


A non-profit corporation is a distinct legal entity, independent from its members and directors. It’s established with goals other than making and sharing profits among its members, directors, or officers.

Activities are for purposes that do not include the financial gain of its members, or the benefit of for-profit organizations such as business corporations. It can earn a “profit”, but any profit must be used to further the purposes of the corporation rather than be paid to the members.


An acronym for Owner, Architect, and Contractor Meetings. These are meetings that bring representatives from all three categories of the group, to discuss legal, construction or strategy issues when it comes to creating child care centers. They occur on a regular basis and are created by the contractor who is looking to create the child care center. 

OC is an acronym that is common in construction and indicates placing an object at the center of a mark. An OC refers to a specific distance between materials, guiding construction workers in properly positioning and building materials when constructing childcare facilities.

Provides a 50% reduction in average parent fees for licensed ELCC by the end of 2022. The goal is to reach an average of $10 a day by the end of fiscal year 2025 to 2026 for licensed child care enrolled in the Canada-wide ELCC system.

OCBCC is a member organization of local child care centres, national and provincial groups, and individuals from all across Ontario.

Stephen Lecce is the Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario and the Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) for King-Vaughan. The Ministry of Education is responsible for licensing and monitoring regulated child care centres and family home child care agencies.

Similar to a proposal, it offers an approximate project cost. Estimates are essential in planning child care centers, determining construction duration, budgeting, and accounting for potential contingencies. 

An allocated outdoor area, commonly referred to as a playground, which complies with the regulatory standards outlined in O. Reg. 137/15.


A person having lawful custody of a child or a person who has demonstrated a settled intention to treat a child as a child of his or her family.

Offers licensees and parents a transparent and straightforward procedure for addressing any concerns or issues brought forward by parents. It provides a clear framework that outlines how such matters will be handled and resolved by the licensee.

Pedagogy encompasses everything related to teaching and learning. It goes beyond just the act of teaching itself. This term involves the methods that help a child learn and the beliefs adults hold about how children learn.

A financial assurance created by one party in a contract to protect against non-compliance by the other party. Often provided by a bank or insurer, it ensures completion of projects like constructing child care centers as per contract terms.

Highly detailed guidelines outlining functional prerequisites, operating context, and meticulously planned features of a project. In constructing child care centers, these specifications are crucial to determining capacity, features, and location to suit the needs of young children.

A designated space used by a specific age group. Every licensed age group must have an assigned separate play activity room, or area, that meets the regulatory requirements set out in O. Reg. 137/15 in Ontario’s Child Care Licensing Manual, 2019.

An educational approach which builds upon a child’s natural inclination to make sense of the world through play, where RECEs participate in play, guiding children’s planning, decision-making and communications, and extending children’s explorations with narrative, novelty and challenges.

The policy sets out the roles and responsibilities of the licensee, staff, students, and volunteers in ensuring a safe and well-supervised outdoor and playground environment for children’s play, adhering to Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards.

A set of guidelines put in place to actively monitor and ensure adherence to the required regulations, policies, procedures, and individualized plans outlined by regulations in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. It requires that both compliance and contraventions to the policies, procedures and individualized plans are recorded and addressed with the employees, students and volunteers.

As part of the licensing process, the policy ensures that applicants/licensees are eligible to operate a child care center under the legislation and do not pose a risk to children in care due to a criminal history. To verify this, the Ministry will conduct a police record check for all applicants and licensees.

“Prefab” is short for “prefabricated,” indicating that something is pre-made. Prefab items are constructed in distinct sections for easy shipping and assembly, resulting in a completed product like a house, child care center, or school.

A child who is 30 months or older, but younger than 6 years of age. 

A child who is 68 months of age or older, but younger than 13 years of age. 

An employee of the Ministry of Education who is authorized under the CCEYA to inspect licensed child care programs. Program advisors support licensees and applicants to achieve and maintain compliance with licensing requirements and respond to complaints and serious occurrences reported about and by child care programs. Program advisors have been designated inspectors under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014.

A project manager is a skilled professional who coordinates, plans, and carries out projects within set limitations like budgets and schedules. Project managers can have the responsibility of coordinating child care development projects, are known to have knowledge of child development, budgeting skills, and the ability to work with diverse populations of children that is necessary in administrators of early childhood programs.

A policy that mandates that everyone involved in caring for the children must be familiar with the licensee’s expectations. These expectations should clearly outline how staff, students, and volunteers are to implement the approaches mentioned in the program statement, identify prohibited practices, and detail how the licensee will handle any violation of the program statement or engagement in prohibited practices.

An established official health agency, comprising urban and/or rural municipalities, dedicated to delivering a community health program through full-time, specialized staff.

In accordance with the Education Act, a school refers specifically to institutions such as public schools or Catholic schools, excluding private schools.


For any licensed age group – An employee who is a member in good standing of the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE), or otherwise approved by a director.

For a licensed junior school age group or a licensed primary/junior school age group that includes only children who are junior school age – In addition to a member in good standing with CECE or otherwise approved by a director, an employee who has a diploma or degree in child and youth care or recreation and leisure services; or a member in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers, is also a qualified employee for this age group. 


A compile of timbers that have a specific slope, and is mostly used to support building any roofs that are made during construction site when building a school or child care center.

An approach used by RECEs to analyze and think critically about their professional practice with the intention to better understand and improve their practice. RECEs use reflective practice to plan, evaluate their strengths and challenges, make decisions and create change, if necessary. 

With respect to a child, it is any person who holds a familial connection, whether by blood, marriage, or adoption. This includes parents, siblings, grandparents, great-uncles, great-aunts, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Capacity (potential or manifested) of a person (or any dynamic system) to adapt successfully to disturbances (adversities and risks) that threaten the function, survival, or development of the individual (or the system); positive adaptation or development in the context of significant adversity exposure. The definition of resilience is up for wide interpretation, but most agree it does not refer to a static personality trait or attribute, but rather a process or construct that combines exposure to adversity with response and outcome.

A person who fulfills the qualification requirements specified in section 55 of O.Reg. 137/15 in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, and plays a crucial role in assisting program staff/providers and parents in their interactions with children who have special needs at licensed child care facilities.

A person who supports program staff/providers and parents in working with children with special needs who attend licensed child care.

An acronym that stands for a request for proposal (RFP). This is a business document that announces a specific project, describes it, and solicits bids from qualified contractors to complete it. 

This is a term used when mechanical, electrical, and plumbing lines are laid out in a specific child care center. To begin the rough-in process, the basic framework of building the project must be completed and final connections are not made until the end of the project when the facility is already completed and ready to welcome young children. 


A policy that helps protect the health, safety and well-being of children, as well as staff, volunteers, students etc. through appropriate hygiene, sanitation, and infection prevention/control practices.

Adult or more skilled child support of a child’s efforts.  A process of graduated assistance that helps to raise the level at which the child is capable of working.

An area used for sleep, separated from any play activity area (e.g., separated by a structure, divider or wall that is fixed to the ground).

A Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) or District Social Services Administration Board (DSSAB) designated as a service system manager under the CCEYA. Each service system manager has responsibility for planning and managing a broad range of child care services, including fee subsidy, wage subsidy and special needs resourcing at the local level.


  • The passing of a child who was under the care of a home child care premises or child care center.
  • Any form of abuse, neglect, or an allegation of abuse/neglect involving a child while in the care of a home child care premises or child care center.
  • A life-threatening injury or illness experienced by a child who receives child care at a home child care premises or child care center.
  • An incident where a child who is under the care of a home child care premises or child care center is missing or temporarily unsupervised.
  • Any unforeseen disruption in the normal operations of a home child care premises or child care center that poses a risk to the health, safety, or well-being of the children in their care.

A policy that requires there to be a comprehensive plan to handle any critical incidents that might impact the health, safety, and well-being of both children and staff. It also requires that such serious incidents be promptly reported, monitored, and followed up on.

This is a form issued by the Ministry of Education, specifically for licensees operating before- and/or after-school programs within publicly funded schools. It outlines the classrooms and other shared areas that are used by the program during its operational hours.

A plan (i.e. computer generated) of the entire child care center site, providing essential details like its location, entrance(s), and access points to the outdoor play area or playground. Additionally, it includes specific information about the outdoor play space, such as the location of gates and the height of the surrounding fence.

A policy that mandates that every child receiving child care from the center, whether on its premises or under its supervision in home child care settings, must be under continuous adult supervision at all times.

A legal term in contracts between project owners and contractors outlining project completion, indicating when further construction is no longer needed.

A person who plans and directs the program of a child care centre, is in charge of the children, oversees staff, and is responsible to the licensee. This person must meet required qualifications.

Any person who is under an RECE’s direct supervision including, but not limited to, other RECEs, staff, students or volunteers.

A policy which mandates that an employee must always be present with children to meet the required staff-to-child ratio and promptly respond during emergencies. Additionally, it requires clearly defined roles and responsibilities for staff, students, and volunteers through established policies and procedures.

A policy that helps foster a climate where employees understand what is required of their work, and also receive opportunities to acquire new information and support to upgrade and continue to improve their skills, knowledge, and approaches.

A method of gathering information that involves asking pertinent questions to a sample of people to grasp overall population opinions on a specific topic. Its goal is to grasp the collective opinions of entire populations on a specific topic. Surveys offer essential data and insights for those engaged in early childhood development, as well as for understanding child care regulations set by the Ontario government.


CCEYA came into effect on August 31, 2015 when they replaced the old Day Nurseries Act (DNA), 2014. It established the rules for child care and early years programs in Ontario that better supports parents and gives children the best possible start in life.

Is responsible for funding, licensing and developing policy to support the provision of licensed child care facilities. The province provides funding to municipalities and First Nations for child care fee subsidies, wage subsi-dies, special needs resourcing and administration.

A child who is 18 months or older, but younger than 30 months of age.


A policy that aims to prevent licensees from charging parents for placing their child on a waiting list for an unsecured spot in the child care center. Additionally, it ensures that waiting lists are administered transparently, and that parents have access to the necessary information.

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