This module will guide you through the organizational processes required to get the support, approval and direction needed to move forward with an expansion plan. It all starts with your non-profit Board of Directors who are responsible for;
Module 1 is broken down into 5 parts:
First, introduce your board to the possibility of expansion by sharing your vision and getting their agreement to explore the idea further.
Second, determine the feasibility of taking on an expansion project for your organization by considering both internal and external factors.
Third, ensure that your strategic plan aligns with expansion. If not you may need to amend your strategic plan, or start a new strategic planning process from the beginning.
Fourth, assess the risks of your planned project.
Fifth, build relationships and consider collaborations to enhance and complete your project.
The following are some tips to help you engage the board in a conversation in a productive and effective way:
Below you’ll find some points about expansion to discuss with your board.
Expanding a child care organization can offer numerous benefits, but it also comes with the following risks that should be considered:
To mitigate these risks, organizations considering expansion should conduct thorough feasibility studies, develop comprehensive business and expansion plans, allocate sufficient resources for implementation and have a team in place to regularly monitor the project.
To gain Board support, a good place to start is to share your vision through the development of a Project Concept. This provides the beginning of a concrete plan that can be used as a starting point for discussion.
As a part of the Toolkit, you will be working on exercises, writing, figuring and in the end creating a plan for your expansion project.
Throughout the module, in the sections called “Activities”, you will have access to worksheets, exercises and activities to help you create that plan.
A SWOT analysis is a tool that can be used in strategic planning or in making a decision about expansion. Learn how to create one with this instruction sheet.
View this example of a SWOT Analysis
Use this template to create your own SWOT Analysis
Many organizations already have expansion goals identified in their organization’s strategic plan and are ready to move forward. If your organization doesn’t have a strategic plan, then putting one together is a good place to start. Part 2 and 3 of this module will provide strategies and support to create a strategic plan.
If expansion has already been identified as a goal, you can move forward with getting board support for a specific expansion project. In order to do that you need to have a clear concept of what you are proposing and the potential risks that might be involved.
The following are some tips to help you engage the board in a conversation in a productive and effective way:
Below you’ll find some points about expansion to discuss with your Board.
Overall, economies of scale in the nonprofit sector are about maximizing impact, efficiency, and sustainability to better serve the needs of families and communities.
Expanding a child care organization can offer numerous benefits, but it also comes with the following risks that should be considered:
To mitigate these risks, organizations considering expansion should conduct thorough feasibility studies, develop comprehensive business and expansion plans, allocate sufficient resources for implementation and have a team in place to regularly monitor the project.
To gain Board support good place to start is to share your vision through the development of a Project Concept. This provides the beginning of a concrete plan that can be used as a starting point for discussion. The project concept will evolve as you get input from stakeholders, including board, staff, and others and it will be used in your business plan. Involvement of stakeholders will ensure support of a shared vision before detailed planning and commencement of the project.
What should be included in the Project Concept:
It’s important when developing your concept that you think about how a centre operates and the routines so that you can identify how children interact with the spaces throughout a centre, depending on their age.
Find out about child care expansion news, how B2C2 can help you, and everything about child care expansion in Ontario.